Forensic dentistry is the application of dental knowledge to assist law enforcement agencies. We can help you with such tasks as identification of found human remains, identification of remains in mass fatalities, assessment of bite mark injuries, assessment of cases of abuse, civil cases involving malpractice, and age estimation.

Certified Dental Expertise

Dr. Hales is a board-certified diplomat of the Academy of Forensic Odontology and is always up-to-date on the latest news and technology in the field. His forensic dental services include:

  • DNA analysis
  • Bite mark analysis
  • Identification

Forensic Dentistry and Expert Witness Services

In addition to his expertise in forensic dentistry, Dr. Hales can also provide you with other expert dentistry-related services. He is available on call, as a guest lecturer, as a trial witness, or for mass disaster management. He can put his 50 years of experience to work for you.

Call Us at 541-474-1100 Today to Schedule an Appointment!

Dental Center

Jim Hales, DDS


